In 2019 and 2023, the Illinois State Water Survey issued reports that analyzed all of the available data collected by the FRSG and other agencies since 1998 to assess if progress has been made to improve ambient conditions in the Fox River. The analyses found that most nutrient-related pollutants levels are declining or show no change in the Fox River between the Stratton Dam in McHenry County and the Illinois River.
The Illinois State Water Survey Water Quality Trends Reports:
Water Quality Trend Analysis
for the Fox River Watershed

First developed in 2015 through more than a decade of extensive planning, data collection, scientific assessment and modeling, the Fox River Implementation Plan (FRIP) provides a road map to address water quality impairments throughout the Fox River watershed. The Fox River Implementation Plan’s continuous development and execution is a core responsibility of the FRSG to our member communities.
The FRIP was updated in 2022 and will be updated in another ten years.
This spreadsheet allows users to evaluate different non-point source management scenarios within the FRIP study area. It can be used for any of the 76 jurisdictions and 33 sub-watersheds in the region.
Communities: Evaluate urban best management practices including bioretention, constructed wetlands, dry detention, street sweeping, vegetated swales and extended wet detention
Farmers: Evaluate impacts of agricultural best management practices such as conservation tillage, constructed wetlands, field borders, grassed waterways and nutrient management